
Institute for Advanced Research in Science (IARSc), an autonomous institute founded in Dec 2016, aims to conduct world-class research in basic and applied sciences with the involvement of scientists, academicians, researchers and educationists across the globe pursuing basic research and applied sciences. The institute also aims to foster research and create opportunities to fill the gaps and for practical implementation of scientific innovations through collaborative and exchange programmes.

Academic/research activities of IARSc were initiated in Jan 2017 and updated henceforth. At present, IARSc has three Units, 1. Atmosphere, Ocean and Space Sciences (AOSS) Unit, 2. Engineering Science and Applications (ESA) Unit and 3. Center for Excellence in Music and Applications (CEMA) Unit. At AOSS,  a major scientific programme ‘Satellite Science, Technology, Applications and Research (STAR)’ is initiated with the ‘Workshop on Atmospheric Satellites for Monsoon cloud-precipitation Science and Applications’, known as WASAMSA 2022, conducted during June 21-24 2022. The workshop emphasised on assessment and evaluation of our present understanding of cloud and precipitation systems in the Asian monsoon region.

Post Graduate Programmes

The focus is to introduce post-graduate studies in Science, Engineering and Inter-disciplinary areas. Diploma and P. G. Diploma courses are being conducted regularly as part of AOSS and CEMA Units.

Education Outreach Programme

As part of IARSc outreach programme, Short Term training Programmes, Courses, IARSc Young Researcher Fellowship Programme have been implemented.

At National Level, the outreach Programme on ‘IARSc Science, Technology, Research and Applications (IPSTRA)’ is initiated with the event on ‘Know The Atmosphere You Live In’ conducted during Dec 20-21, 2019  in Bangalore. Recently, an ‘Interactive session on Moon & Moon missions’ is conducted on May 3rd, 2023.

IARSc Programme for Atmospheric Modelling (IPAM) is planned as future activity.